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Stoned (Unlikely Heroes Book 4) Page 11

  Trying not to disturb him too much, she pulled at her wrist, trying to wiggle free from the zip tie. He hadn’t secured it as tightly around her wrist as he could have, so she had some wiggle room. If she could somehow work her wrist free, she could escape.

  Tiara strolled into the room and leapt into Karen’s lap. Curling her tail around her body, the cat snuggled against Karen and closed her eyes. Karen stroked Tiara’s fur while she continued to try to wriggle her wrist free from the zip tie.

  She’d discovered if she squeezed her thumb against her palm, her wrist grew smaller.

  Karen squeezed, pressed, pulled, pushed…She was not giving up. The zip tie left a nasty pink abrasion on her skin where it rubbed against her, but she kept at it. Fifteen minutes later, she was still struggling. Her skin had been rubbed raw, the flesh tender to the touch. But still she fought to be free.

  Then finally, with a final wiggle and push and an in-drawn breath, she was free.

  She glanced at Stoner out of the corner of her eye. His eyes were closed. His mouth slack. He was still asleep.

  Karen rose to her feet. She set Tiara on the couch where she’d been sitting, then glanced back at Stoner. He hadn’t stirred.

  Tiptoeing across the room, Karen headed for the front door. Since their truck was blocking her garage door, she couldn’t escape in her own car. She would have to take theirs. But where were the keys?

  She glanced back at Stoner. He’d been driving. The keys were likely in one of his pockets.


  She crept back to him. Hesitated. How would she search his pockets without waking him up?

  Tiara opened an eyelid and peered up at her. Then the cat climbed into Stoner’s lap and got comfortable.

  Karen froze, watching Stoner’s face to see if Tiara had disturbed him, but he didn’t move a muscle. Either he was out cold…or he was fooling her.

  Karen’s heart stopped. Was he pretending so he could see what she would do? If so, why hadn’t he stopped her from pulling her wrist free?

  She watched him a moment longer, but he appeared to be truly asleep.

  Kneeling in front of the couch, Karen gently searched Stoner for the truck keys, first checking the pockets of his leather vest, then reaching down to explore the front pockets of his jeans.

  She found the keys in the right front pocket of his jeans, but getting the keys out of his pocket was going to be tricky.

  Rage mumbled something from the armchair.

  Karen jerked toward him. His eyes were open. He stared at her, unblinking, a dazed expression on his face. Karen stared back, unable to move.

  Rage waved an arm weakly at her. “When you’re done with him, come do me.”

  Karen swallowed hard. She was kneeling before Stoner, her hand in his lap. She could only imagine what Rage’s drugged mind was seeing. She forced a smile, nodded at Rage, hoping he wouldn’t get up from the chair, hoping he’d fall back to sleep.

  Like she would ever go near that sick bastard…

  “Sssssooo tired,” he mumbled, his eyes drifting closed. He began to snore again.

  Karen breathed out a sigh of relief. She glanced at Rebel and Scorpion, but they were both still asleep next to Stoner on the couch.

  She slipped her fingers into Stoner’s front pocket, reaching for the keys.

  His hand covered hers, holding it in place. Karen gasped. She jerked back, but his grip tightened around her arm, not letting her up. He was struggling to keep his eyes open, but his grip was strong. She pulled at her wrist, to no avail.

  “Can’t believe you did that,” he slurred, glancing down at her wrist where the zip tie had been, then looking at his own wrist where the loose zip tie was still connected. He let out a soft chuckle. “You never cease to amaze me, woman.”

  Pushing Tiara out of his lap, he pulled Karen toward him. The cat slinked away, disappearing beneath the couch. Karen fell into him, pushing angrily against his chest.

  “Just give me the keys and let me go,” she whispered. “When I tell the cops what happened, I won’t mention you, okay? You can sneak away and they’ll never know you were a part of the Cobras.”

  He let out a snort. “Viper will know. He’ll kill me if you escape. Do you want my death on your conscience?”

  She jerked her gaze to his. Though his eyelids were still droopy, he appeared more alert now. Which meant her chance of escaping was now gone.

  “I don’t care what happens to you,” she lied. “I just want my life back.”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and drew her more tightly against him. “I care what happens to me, and believe it or not, I care about what happens to you too. If you just stick with me, I’ll try to get you out of this. But you’re going to have to trust me.”

  Karen stared into his eyes. Was he telling the truth? “Who are you?” she whispered. “I keep hoping you’re not really a badass biker dude, that you’re…good.”

  He lowered his gaze. “I’m just Neal Stone, marijuana dealer. That’s all you need to know.”

  Disappointment surged in her chest. What had she hoped anyway?

  “Might as well sit down and get comfortable.” He urged her onto the couch. “There’s no telling how long it will take for the others to wake up.”

  Reluctantly Karen slid onto the couch next to him. Stoner draped an arm over her shoulders, pulling her close. Locking her against his side. He closed his eyes and leaned back against the couch.

  She chanced a glance over at Rage. He was awake, staring at her with an evil gleam in his eyes.

  Her heart skidded to a halt.

  Had he overheard her conversation with Stoner?


  “I seen what you’re trying to do, bitch. I heard you talking to Stoner. You drugged us. You think you’ll convince him to let you go. He won’t. Not unless he wants to die. I’ll kill him with my bare hands.”

  Karen cringed away from the hate in Rage’s eyes as he glared across the room at her. She nudged Stoner’s arm, hoping he hadn’t fallen back to sleep. Stoner eyes jerked open, slowly focused on Rage.

  “Can’t blame the lady for trying.”

  Rage glared at Stoner, then Karen. He ran a hand over his face. “Viper’s gonna know about this. I’m telling him everything.” He groaned, stretching his arms over his head. “What the hell did you give us, bitch? Why am I so fucking tired?”

  Stoner sat up taller, his gaze narrowing on Rage. “What makes you think she gave us something? Maybe you didn’t get enough sleep last night. I know I didn’t.”

  Rage studied Stoner, his soulless eyes searching for lies. He shrugged. “Yeah, maybe. But I thought I heard you guys saying something about her drugging us.”

  Karen held her breath while she awaited Stoner’s response. She couldn’t believe he was defending her, protecting her, even though she’d drugged him. Maybe he really did feel something for her.

  “I just found an empty bottle of sleeping pills in the bathroom and questioned her about it. That’s all. You must have misunderstood. There’s no way she could have slipped us the pills.”

  Skepticism crossed Rage’s face. He glanced over at Rebel and Scorpion, who were both still asleep on the couch next to Stoner.

  “Then why are those two out like logs?”

  “They were up all night,” Stoner pointed out. “Like me. When I get back to the compound, I’m crashing. For hours.” He closed his eyes and leaned back against the couch again.

  Warmth spread through Karen’s chest. Maybe she should be nicer to Stoner. He probably was her only chance of escape. She had to admit she wanted to explore this “thing” that was between them, see where it would lead.

  Rage leered at her. “When you gonna be done with her? I want a turn.”

  Stoner’s eyes popped open. He stiffened next to her. “Never.” His voice was cold. “I’ve made her my woman and I don’t share. Sorry, man. Find your own woman.”

  Fury and disbelief crossed Rage’s face. “She’s a pr
isoner. That means she’s fair game.”

  “No.” Stoner was wide awake now. His body went rigid as he leaned toward Rage. “Viper gave her to me, so that means she’s mine. You keep your hands off or I’ll kill you.”

  The two men glared at each other, the tension so thick that Karen was afraid to breathe.

  Rage chuckled, a mean, nasty chuckle that made her skin crawl. “You can’t watch her all the time. The moment I catch her alone, she’s mine.”

  Stoner bared his teeth. “That’s exactly what Viper said. Why don’t you fuckers go find your own women and leave mine alone? You touch her, you die, asshole.”

  The men locked stares. Stoner was staking his claim. While normally Karen would have been offended by his bold statement, right now she was relieved. Stoner had already proved he wouldn’t hurt her, while Rage and Viper and all the others…she had no doubt they would abuse her if given the chance.

  The last thing she wanted was these guys fighting over her. She wasn’t a damn prize. She wanted them to go away and let her have her life back. Though she wouldn’t mind keeping Stoner around for awhile to explore whatever was between them.

  Stoner was right about one thing. He might be her only chance of surviving these assholes. She would have to trust him if she had any chance of coming out of this alive. But she was still hesitant to trust the man.

  Rage sniggered. “I’ve had enough of this place. As soon as I take a nap, we’re heading back to the compound. Screw cloning more pot.” He glared at Stoner. “You better keep a close eye on her. Because I’ll be watching and waiting for my moment to take her.”

  Karen shivered. Stoner’s arm tightened around her shoulders. No way in hell was she letting that creep touch her. Stoner was her only protection.

  But by making enemies with Rage and Viper, Stoner was putting a huge target on his back. They’d all be watching and waiting for him to screw up.

  Then they’d take him out.

  And she would be on her own.

  Fair game.

  * * *

  The men dozed off and on for the next few hours. Karen was stuck next to Stoner on the couch, unable to slip away with his arm draped over her shoulder, holding her against his side.

  Stoner was the first to stir. He yawned. He glanced over at her, confusion in his eyes. He glanced around. Comprehension dawned. He yanked his cellphone from his vest pocket and checked the time.

  “Shit! It’s four o’clock!” He rose from the couch, pulling Karen with him. “We need to head back to the compound. Viper’s gonna be pissed.” He checked his phone. “Shit. Viper sent me four texts. Wake everyone up while I text him back.”

  He swiped his phone and typed a message back to Viper. Karen hesitated. While he was distracted by his phone and the other bikers were still asleep, she might be able to escape into the woods. She could be long gone before the rest of them woke. She refused to go back to the compound.

  Stoner turned his back to her while he finished typing his message. Karen raced for the back door. She was halfway across the yard before the door slammed behind her. Ducking behind the nearest tree, she waited.

  She refused to go back to the compound where she was at the mercy of anyone who came upon her. Damn them! She couldn’t trust Stoner yet, no matter what was between them. He was still one of them. He could be playing her for all she knew.

  “Karen!” Stoner called. “Don’t be stupid. If you come out now, I won’t have to hurt you.”

  Ignoring him, Karen peered around the tree trunk. He wouldn’t hurt her. He’d already proven that. He was bluffing.

  Stoner stood about fifteen feet away, in the middle of her backyard, his gaze scanning the trees. The other bikers were nowhere around, so they must not have awakened yet.

  Her heart pounding, Karen stayed where she was.

  Stoner swore. He shoved his cellphone back into his pocket. He headed straight toward her. Karen gasped. Had he seen her? Or was he guessing the direction she’d gone?

  Lunging to her feet, she darted away, deeper into the forest.

  Twigs snapped behind her. Branches rustled. Footsteps crunched through the underbrush. Not daring to glance back, she kept on through the trees.

  A startled grunt came from close behind her. Then a thud as something or someone crumbled to the forest floor. Her heart in her throat, Karen darted behind another tree. She peered around the trunk. Rage came into view, a log gripped in his hand. He glanced down at something on the ground, then lifted his head, his gaze locking on hers. He tossed the log aside.

  Oh shit!

  Where had he come from? Had he knocked Stoner out? Had he killed Stoner?

  Terror gripping her, Karen raced into the trees. If Rage caught her, she was doomed to a grisly fate she didn’t want to contemplate.

  She had to elude Rage until Stoner recovered.

  If he recovered.

  Please be alive, Stoner.

  Berating her foolishness wouldn’t do her any good now. She should have trusted Stoner. She knew in her gut he would have protected her from Rage.

  What if Stoner was dead? What if Rage had killed him?

  Heavy breathing came from somewhere close behind her. Then Rage slammed into her legs, knocking her to the forest floor. She gasped, trying to fight him off, but the brute flipped her over, captured her wrists and straddled her waist, holding her still.

  “Get off me!” She bucked and squirmed beneath him.

  Rage chuckled, leering down at her with those soulless eyes. His hand went to the zipper on her jeans, yanking it down.

  She bucked against him again, trying to break free. “I’ll kill you! So help me God, if you rape me, you’re dead!”

  He cackled. “Good luck with that, bitch. Now you’re mine to do with as I please.” He eased up on her long enough to yank her jeans down past her hips, pulling them to her knees, then the rest of the way down her legs. With a final tug, he yanked them free and tossed them aside, leaving her bare before him.

  Terror gripped her tenfold. There was no way in hell she was letting this bastard rape her. She hadn’t gone three years without sex just so she could be raped by this creep.

  Rage reached for her chest, his slimy hands feeling through her shirt. And for the first time since her mastectomy, Karen didn’t try to stop a man from discovering the truth. Right now she wanted Rage to know. If it shocked him enough, she might get away. Or maybe he’d be so repulsed he’d just let her go.

  His filthy hands encountered the stuffing in her bra, confusion crossing his face. Karen took advantage of his momentary shock. She yanked her knee up into his groin. He hissed out a breath and fell sideways, clutching his balls.

  Karen squirmed out from underneath him. She raced into the trees, snatching up her pants as she ran. After about thirty feet, she paused and hid behind another tree trunk. Breathing heavily, she pulled her jeans back on and zipped them up.

  Sounds of a scuffle filled the silent forest, coming from the area where Rage had attacked her. She peered around the tree trunk, but saw no one.

  Drawing in a shaky breath, she turned away, leaning back against the trunk. She had to get away before they found her and dragged her back to the compound. She wasn’t going back there.

  A twig snapped off to her left.

  She spun around.

  A big body lunged at her, taking her to the ground. She let out a soft scream.

  A hand covered her mouth, muffling her cry.

  “Shh! It’s me,” Stoner whispered. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Relief shuddered through her. Tears swam in her eyes. Emotion clogged her throat. She stared up at his hard features. Blood trickled down his forehead in between his eyes. She imagined Rage must have hit him over the head with the log he’d been carrying.

  Stoner removed his hand and helped her to her feet.

  He was right. She should have trusted him. She should have stayed by his side. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I shouldn’t have run from you.”
  “Hey,” he said gently, titling her head back, forcing her to look into his eyes. “It’s all right. I’m not mad at you. You’re one gutsy lady, you know that?” His gaze searched hers. “Did he hurt you?”

  She swallowed hard. “He tried to.” She launched into his arms, forcing back a sob. “He…”

  “Shhh.” He cradled her against him, stroking her back. “He won’t be coming after you again. I took care of him.”

  What did that mean? Had he killed Rage? She hoped so. She never wanted to see that creep again.

  She sniffled and drew back.

  “Come on.” Stoner took her arm. “Let’s head back. I know you want to escape, but now’s not the time. You’ve got to trust me on this. If I let you go now, Viper will kill me. There’s more going on here than you realize. You’ve got to stay close to me or I won’t be able to protect you. Got it?”

  A tear trickled unheeded down her cheek. She hitched in a breath. He was right. If she wanted to survive, Stoner would be the only one who would help her. She’d been foolish to try to escape just now. Her actions had almost gotten her raped. And possibly killed.

  His gaze softened. It was the most amazing thing to see tenderness in this badass biker’s eyes. The man was a contradiction upon contradiction. She never would have imagined he was capable of tenderness. Who the hell was he?

  “If Viper lets us live another day, I promise to do everything in my power to help you escape at the first opportunity, okay? And when you get away, you go directly to the cops and stay there until they tell you it’s safe to come home. I probably won’t see you again once you get away.”

  She swallowed again, unable to look away from the tenderness in his eyes, the unexpected remorse. Was he as saddened by the thought of not seeing her again as she was by the thought of never seeing him again?


  “Viper’s gonna be pissed when he finds out I had to kill Rage. When we get back, the shit’s gonna hit the fan.” He glanced away for a moment, staring at something in the trees behind her. He pulled his gaze back to hers. “Go directly to my room when we get back and don’t open the door for anyone but me. If Viper doesn’t kill me today, I’ll come to my room later. Stay inside my room and don’t come out. Got it? That’s the only way you’ll be safe until I find out how Viper’s going to react.”