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Stoned (Unlikely Heroes Book 4) Page 13

  Tonya shook her head. “No. I–” She broke off. Her eyes widened. “Shit, here comes Viper. He looks pissed. Stay quiet, Karen. Let me handle this.”

  Runt hunkered down in his seat, trying to make himself smaller. Karen’s heart pinched. The poor child was obviously terrified of Viper.

  She braced herself for Viper’s wrath. The man was bound to be pissed after what had happened at her house that day. Had she made a mistake by not hiding in Stoner’s room like he’d suggested?

  “Tonya,” Viper’s voice boomed from behind Karen. “I see you found Ms. Williams again.”

  Tonya lifted her chin. “Yes, I did, and we were enjoying a nice chat. Why don’t you go bug someone else, Brother?”

  Viper stepped around the table so he was facing Karen. Runt hunched himself even smaller, bowing his head and keeping his eyes lowered.

  Karen lifted her gaze to Viper’s without flinching. Tonya’s presence gave her more courage than she would have had if she’d been facing him alone. That and her desire to protect this poor innocent child from the vile man who had spawned him.

  “I hear you’re the reason one of my most loyal members is dead.” Viper’s gaze bored into her. The serpent on his head seemed to slither and hiss as he cocked his head to the side.

  Karen snorted. “I can’t be blamed for the actions of others, no more than you can. If Rage hadn’t tried to rape me, he wouldn’t be dead right now.”

  Tonya gasped out a breath, her eyes going wide. “Rage tried to rape you? That bastard! I never did like him.”

  Viper’s gaze slid to his sister. “He was a loyal member of the Cobras. You will show his memory some respect.”

  “Screw your respect. He deserved it.”

  Tonya locked stares with her brother. Karen held her breath, waiting for an explosion. Runt tried to disappear into his chair.

  Viper jerked his gaze back to Karen. “You’d be wise to find Stoner and stay close to him. There are many who are pissed about what happened to Rage. Stoner’s the only one who will protect you from everyone.”

  Karen glared at him. “Including you?”

  His eyes narrowed, his nostrils flaring. “Especially me.”

  Viper turned on his heel and stalked away.

  Karen puffed out the breath she’d been holding.

  Her hand shook as she reached for her Coke.

  Viper had just made it clear he was her biggest threat.


  An hour later, most of the diners had finished eating and left the dining room. Karen and Tonya lingered, chatting companionably. Despite Viper’s obvious threat, Karen was not about to let the man intimidate her. She refused to be afraid of that creep.

  Stoner and Rebel had entered the dining room with heaping plates a few minutes after Viper had departed. They had sat at a table a few feet away. After a brief glance at Karen, Stoner had dug into his meal. Runt had crawled across the floor and played with Scar while the men ate. The dog didn’t cower away from the boy the way he did from adults. Instead the pup welcomed Runt’s attention. The dog frolicked beneath the table with the child. It pained Karen to see Runt acting like a dog rather than a little boy. What the hell had Viper done to his son?

  Stoner and Rebel finished their meals. They left the dining room with Scar at their heels. Runt stared after them longingly until Karen nodded at the boy, encouraging him to follow them. Stoner would make sure nothing happened to the child. She would retrieve Runt later when she went to bed.

  “Is there something going on between you and Stoner?” Tonya whispered once they’d gone. “I saw the way he was looking at you.”

  Karen shrugged. She toyed with her fork. She’d been unable to resist glancing over at Stoner every so often during dinner. And each time she had, she’d caught him studying her with an indecipherable expression on his face. What had he been thinking? Had he meant what’d he said earlier at her house? That he wanted to pursue this “thing” between them?

  Tonya chuckled. “You’re avoiding the question. You like him, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do. He’s a great guy.” I just wish he wasn’t so secretive.

  Karen gathered up her empty plate and rose. “I’m going to head up to bed now. It’s been a long day.”

  Tonya rose with her. “Me too. Thanks for visiting with me. I enjoyed our talk.”

  Karen passed the videogame room a few minutes later and peeked in. Rebel perched on the edge of the couch, deeply engrossed in a game. Runt sat on the floor at his feet, stroking Scar’s head, and leaning back against the couch. The only time the child showed happiness was when he was with that dog. Not wanting to disturb him, Karen headed up the stairs to Stoner’s room. She would come check on Runt later.

  Stoner wasn’t in his room—no surprise there—so Karen climbed into the bed and fell into a fitful sleep.

  She woke sometime later. It was dark in the room. A glance at the digital clock on the nightstand indicated it was after eleven o’clock. Stoner still hadn’t returned. Didn’t the man ever sleep? Where was he? Had something happened? Had Viper locked him up, beaten him, killed him? Or was he avoiding her for some reason?

  Deciding to go find him, she slipped out of the room and out into the hallway. No one else was about. She imagined they were all downstairs hanging out, drinking beer, smoking weed, playing video games…whatever it was they did on a Saturday night.

  She found Stoner five minutes later in the weed room. There was seventies’ rock music playing in the background. The music wasn’t as loud as it had been the night before. The people in the room must not have been smoking for long, because the air wasn’t clogged with smoke yet. Was that all these guys did was get high?

  She paused in the hallway, watching Stoner without his knowledge, noting the way he relaxed when he didn’t know he was being observed. His features appeared less harsh, his eyes less cold. He was sitting in the center of the big couch. There weren’t as many people in the room as there had been yesterday. Rebel was there, sitting in a recliner across the room. Neither Runt nor the dog Scar were in attendance. Though she didn’t know who the real Rebel was, she’d sensed kindness in him. Decency. She was positive Rebel would make sure Runt was okay and that he wouldn’t abandon his dog, so he must have put them to bed.

  She pulled her gaze back to Stoner. Two men sat on the couch to Stoner’s left, while a buxom blonde woman cuddled up to his right. A few others sat in chairs around the room.

  Unable to stop the sudden surge of jealousy that swept through her at the sight of the other woman, Karen stared, waiting to see what Stoner would do with a willing woman practically in his lap.

  The blonde handed him the bong. He stuck his lips inside the mouthpiece and inhaled before passing it to the guy on his left. It was the first time she’d witnessed him getting high. Uneasiness swirled in her stomach. A part of her had foolishly hoped he wasn’t the man he portrayed, that he wasn’t a pothead or a drug dealer or this badass biker she saw sitting on the couch, acting as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  But she’d just witnessed him inhaling from the bong.

  Was he acting for the others’ benefit? Or was she a fool who wanted him to be something he wasn’t?

  Karen knew the exact moment he became aware of her presence. His entire body stiffened. His head jerked toward the doorway. His gaze collided with hers.

  Trapped within his stare, Karen couldn’t move.

  “Eva!” Rebel shouted from where he sat in the recliner. “You came back!”

  Ignoring Rebel, Karen was unable to tear her gaze from Stoner’s. He didn’t look high. He appeared sober, his gaze intense on hers.

  The blonde woman nudged his arm, but he never looked away from Karen. With a huff, the woman rose from the couch and stomped from the room, glaring at Karen as she passed.

  Karen stepped into the room, hypnotized by Stoner’s gaze. She walked toward him, his gaze snaring her, pulling her closer, reeling her in. What was it about the man that
drew her to him like this? It was as if he’d cast a spell over her.

  Stoner’s heated gaze followed her across the room, not once letting her go. She paused in front of him.

  He snagged Karen’s hand and pulled her into his lap.

  She gasped as she fell into him. The desire in his eyes made it plain he still wanted her. Heat spread through her body, settling deep in her core. He really did want her! He’d meant the words he’d written in that note. He’d meant what he’d said earlier that day.

  He combed his fingers through her short hair. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” she whispered back, staring into his eyes.

  He drew her mouth down to his, his lips locking possessively on hers. He kissed her right there on the couch, in front of the other men, staking his claim.

  Karen moaned and kissed him back, running her hands over his hard torso. Swept away by the passion flaring between them, she tuned out the sounds of the bikers around them. Pressing closer to Stoner, she kept kissing him back, trying to let him know with that kiss just how much she wanted him.

  “Jeez! Rent a room!” one of the men shouted.

  “Stoner’s got a boner!” another guy joked.

  “Eva, you’re cheating on me!” Rebel teased. “You just broke my heart!”

  Karen drew back, staring down into Stoner’s passion-filled gaze. His eyes were clear, not red, dull or hazy like she’d expected.

  “Are you high?”

  He set her next to him on the couch. “Not yet.” He reached for the bong. The men passed it toward him. “But I will be soon.”

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  “Yeah, I do,” he whispered, his breath hot on her neck, causing her skin to tingle. “It would look a little suspicious if the marijuana king didn’t smoke once in a while, don’t you think? Wanna try?” He tried to hand her the bong, but she refused to take it.

  She shook her head. “No thanks. I’d rather have my wits about me.”

  He studied her for a long moment. “Do I look like I don’t have my wits about me?”

  She stared into his eyes, searching for signs that he was under the influence. Finding none, she said, “You probably have a higher tolerance than most. I bet you’ve been smoking pot ever since you perfected your eye-hand coordination.”

  His lips twitched. “Not exactly. Come on Karen. Just one smoke. It’ll help you relax.”

  Karen eyed the bong he held out to her. Though she’d done plenty of stupid things in her life, getting high had never been none of them. She preferred to have complete control over her thoughts and actions.

  She shook her head in refusal.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you.” He pressed the bong into her hand. “I’ll take care of you.”

  Karen recalled Viper’s warning out in the dining room. A lot of people were pissed off by Rage’s death and blamed her. Getting high would not be the smartest thing to do right now. With or without Stoner’s protection, she would need her wits about her.

  “No thanks.” She pushed the bong back at him. “I don’t give in to peer pressure.”

  Disappointment flashed in his eyes. “Is that what I’m doing, pressuring you?”

  She held his gaze. “Yes.”

  He leaned sideways, his lips tickling her ear, and whispered, “I admire your strong will. But I’m only pressuring you because everyone is watching us and it would look suspicious if I didn’t at least try to get you to smoke.” He lowered his voice a little more. “I would never force you to do something you didn’t want to do. I respect you too much.” He leaned away from her, his gaze filling with admiration and a smoldering heat that made her toes curl. She had no doubt he still wanted her. That if she was willing, he’d make love to her right now. Possibly even right here on the couch, in front of everyone. Though she wasn’t an exhibitionist, the thought of Stoner making love to her in front of others made her heartbeat race in unexpected excitement.

  He started to hand the bong to the guy sitting next to him. Karen grabbed it, pulling it back.

  Surprise crossed his features.

  “How do I do it?” she asked, swallowing hard.

  His gaze narrowed. “You sure?”

  Yes, I can do this. But only this once.

  She nodded.

  “Don’t inhale too deeply at first,” he cautioned. “I wouldn’t want you to get sick.”

  Karen stuck her lips inside the mouthpiece like she’d seen him doing. She inhaled.

  She coughed and shoved the bong at him.

  He watched her closely.

  “Did you inhale into your lungs or just in your mouth?”

  She coughed again. “In my lungs. It tastes gross.”

  His mouth curled up into a smile. “You may start to feel a little lightheaded here in a moment.”

  He handed the bong to the guy sitting next to him.

  “She did it!” the guy shouted. “Karen’s getting baked!”

  Someone cranked the music up. The Little River Band’s Lonesome Loser filled the room. A couple of people jumped up and swayed with the music.

  Karen detected movement out in the hallway. She glanced up in time to see Viper turning away. How long had he been standing out there in the hallway watching them? The man creeped her out. Had Stoner known Viper was there and pushed the bong on her because of it? Had Stoner just played her? If so, why? If he was wanting to get laid, he should know he didn’t have to get her high to do so. He had to know she was attracted to him. She was pretty sure it was obvious how she felt. It had been a long time since she’d wanted a man the way she wanted Stoner.

  Just as Stoner predicted, she began to feel lightheaded. The couple wiggling across the floor in front of her made her giggle. Twirling, entwining snakes. She had the sudden urge to twirl and entwine her body with Stoner’s.

  “Let’s dance,” she whispered, grabbing his hand.

  He resisted. “I don’t dance.”

  She tried to get up from the couch, but her limbs were consumed by a sudden laziness. She tipped toward Stoner instead, falling against his side. Chuckling, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and squeezed her against him.

  “I see your inhibitions are slipping away,” he murmured in her ear.

  They were? She giggled again, though she wasn’t sure why. What was so funny? Everything was funny. The dancers, the men sitting around the room, even Stoner…

  He chuckled next to her, then lowered his head to nibble on her earlobe. A shot of desire coursed through her, making her giggle even harder.

  “Oh Stoner, that turns me on. Do that again. Oh please, do it again.”

  “Jesus, you’re already high,” he whispered.

  “Just kiss me.” She let out another giggle. “It feels so good.”

  He hesitated. Then he covered her mouth with his. It was unlike any kiss she’d ever experienced, her imagination on overdrive from the drug. Everything around her faded away, everything except Stoner. His wonderful lips that moved persuasively over hers, that marvelous tongue that delved into her mouth, tangling with hers. Those strong arms that tightened around her as they turned her toward him, those bold fingers that pressed her closer into his hardness. She was floating. Everything seemed surreal, yet…not.

  All of a sudden he was gone. She blinked her eyes open, staring dazedly at him.

  “Do you want me, Karen?” he asked softly.

  She giggled again. What kind of question was that? Of course she wanted him. Right here. Right now. The couch would work fine.

  “Yes.” She let out another giggle. “Take me, Stoner. Right here.”

  “Eww!” The guy sitting next to Stoner leapt up from the couch. “Take her to your room, Stoner. I don’t wanna see your dick.”

  Stoner snorted out a laugh, then made a caustic retort, but the lightheadedness was making Karen’s head spin, so she wasn’t sure what he said.

  Stoner got up from the couch. He bent to haul Karen to her feet. “Come on. It’s hitting you a little har
der than I thought it would. I’ll take you upstairs so you don’t embarrass yourself.”

  She swayed toward him. He caught her. She let out another giggle. “Upstairs? To your room? I like the sound of that. Will you ravish me, Stoner? Please say yes. I want you to soooo much.”

  He scooped her up into his arms and headed for the door. “Later,” he whispered in her ear. “When you’re not so high. When I make love to you, I want you to be aware of everything I do to you.”

  “Stoner’s finally gonna get laid!” one of the guys snickered after them.

  Stoner climbed all three flights of stairs with her in his arms, hardly appearing winded. They reached the top. Pausing outside of his room, he fished the key card out of his pocket.

  The key card floated in front of her eyes as he swiped it though the slot in the door. Karen giggled.

  He pushed open the door and strode into the room. Setting her down on the bed, he started to turn away. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him back.

  “Don’t leave,” she whispered. “I want you, Stoner. Take me, please.”

  * * *

  If Stoner had known she would get this high off of one puff of smoke, he wouldn’t have encouraged her to try it. But everyone had been watching them, including Viper, whom Stoner had seen standing out in the hallway, observing their every move.

  Everyone experienced marijuana differently the first time, so Stoner had had no idea how it would affect her. He should have taken into consideration the fact that she was tiny, the fact that she’d never smoked it before, and the fact that she was scared and alone in a place she would likely die in.

  Her inhibitions were completely gone. Her imagination was running rampant.

  He too was beginning to feel the effects of the drug, though he had a higher tolerance than she did. He wasn’t in the habit of getting stoned, but this wasn’t his first time smoking dope. In order to be convincing, he had to partake every once in a while or Viper would get suspicious.

  Karen’s arms tightened around his neck. As much as he wanted to make love to her, he couldn’t do it while she was high. His conscience balked at the idea of taking advantage of her like that. When he made love to her, she would be aware of every touch, every kiss, every little lick and taste…she would feel it all. And she would be aware of exactly who was loving her.