Stoned (Unlikely Heroes Book 4) Read online

Page 19

  “So that’s what your scars are from. I wondered about that.”


  She cleared her throat. “So what did you get your college degree in? What do you do now?”

  He lowered his gaze. “Do you have that other joint? My ribs are killing me again.”

  She tried to ignore the hurt that spiraled into her chest at his obvious reluctance to tell her more. Didn’t he trust her enough to tell her the truth? After all they’d been through together? She was good enough to have sex with but not good enough to talk to? Damn him! She’d told him personal things about her life, about her cancer, things she’d never told anyone else before. Why couldn’t he tell her the truth about himself? Why couldn’t he trust her?

  “Sure.” Karen fished the joint out of her pocket, glad the darkness prevented him from seeing how hurt she was. She lit it for him, watching as he took a long drag.

  “Thanks. That helps.” He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. “I’m just going to smoke for a bit, then rest for awhile, okay?”

  Karen couldn’t ignore the pain in her heart. He obviously didn’t want to tell her any more. He’d changed the subject. Why? What else was he hiding?

  Then it hit her that he hadn’t told Viper his real name. He’d just introduced himself as “Blade.” Viper seemed content with that. Viper seemed to know who “Blade” was.

  But she didn’t. She wanted to know Stoner’s first name. His real name.

  Would he ever tell her the truth?

  Or would she die not knowing the name of the man she was falling in love with?


  Viper stalked to his office with the bikers at his heels. He shoved the door open and marched inside. Scorpion hesitated in the doorway, the others hovering behind him.

  “You, stay.” Viper pointed at Scorpion. “You guys, go.”

  He swung back into the room. He slammed the door shut before any of them could respond.

  Blade was back. Monica’s brother was here, in Viper’s compound. His head spun. He thought he’d killed the son-of-a-bitch. He hadn’t recognized Blade, but he hadn’t seen the guy for over thirty years. They’d been wild, out-of-control teenagers back then.

  Swamped with memories, Viper sank into the chair behind his desk. He put his face in his hands and sighed. He’d never had an easy life. His parents had rejected him at birth because of his albinism. He’d been an outcast growing up, teased by other kids. He’d learned to toughen up, shut off his emotions, to keep others from hurting him. He’d never allowed himself to care about anyone.

  Except Monica.

  For thirty years he hadn’t let himself think about her. She’d been the only light in his dark life. She was the only one who’d understood him, the only one who hadn’t thought he was a freak. She’d tried to convince him to give up the gang life. He’d considered doing it, for her.

  Then he’d lost her. Because he’d taken her along with him that night. It was his fault she was dead.

  Now her brother had come for vengeance.

  Viper understood that.

  No one knew he’d started the Cobras, recruited followers, and bought this compound so he could have a place to hide from the world.

  No one understood the significance of the Cobra hood or Viper’s obsession with snakes. Snakes were resilient creatures. Tough. Beautiful. Some deadly. The cobra was an animal not to fuck with.

  Just like him. He liked creeping people out. Because it made them focus on their fear of him, rather than dwelling on what went on inside his head. If anyone knew his true thoughts…

  Some people believed the hood had come from his former ties with white supremacy. Others thought the hood was just a means for the Cobras to hide their faces while committing crimes. Both instances were true. But for Viper, the hood was also way to hide from the world, from the criticism he’d received ever since he was born. When wearing the hood, he felt safe. Invisible. Hidden from the cruel world.

  When he wore the hood, he was nothing but a hidden face no one could see. He wasn’t the albino freak or the guy with the weird tattoos. He was just a guy in a hood.

  No one knew that. No one understood. No one but Monica would have understood.

  But she’d been gone for over thirty years.

  That Williams’ woman, and now Stoner, had forced Monica’s memory to the surface where it didn’t belong. Thinking about Monica made him weak. He was not weak. He wouldn’t think about her again.


  Viper shoved the chair back and stalked over to the window. He stared out at his precious marijuana grove. No one would interfere with his marijuana production.

  No one.

  Unfortunately, Neal Stone had had a change of heart. He refused to do the deal if he had to join the Cobras.

  Viper needed a pot grower. Ms. Williams refused to show anyone except Stoner. Viper didn’t have time to try to find someone else. The production had already been set back too long.

  Frustration swelled in his chest. He longed to kill Stoner. But he needed the son-of-a-bitch.

  If Stoner had come to kill him, then Viper was inclined to let the man try. It was inevitable that one of them would die in the end.

  He would make a deal with Stoner: Stoner’s life in exchange for marijuana production.

  Viper yanked open the door.

  Scorpion stood out in the hallway, waiting.

  “Let’s go.” Viper strode back down the hallway toward the dungeon.

  It was time to see if Blade was the same boy he’d been thirty years ago.

  Or if he truly was the man who had already earned Viper’s respect.

  * * *

  Less than thirty minutes later, Viper returned. This time he’d brought only Scorpion with him. Stoner had finished the joint and snuffed it out, but the smell still lingered.

  “Where’d you get the weed?” Viper glared at Stoner through the bars.

  “I gave it to him.” Karen rose to her feet. “He needed something for the pain you inflicted on him.”

  Viper studied her for a moment, then jerked his head in a nod. He motioned to Scorpion.

  They opened the cell door and stepped inside. Karen helped Stoner rise to his feet. Stoner tried not to wince at the pain, tried to keep Viper from seeing how much he hurt, but it was impossible. The weed only did so much.

  “Here.” Viper tossed a knife at him. Stoner jumped aside before the blade struck his flesh, but in so doing he wrenched his broken ribs and hissed out in pain, leaning back against the wall. Karen bent and retrieved the knife. She eyed Viper warily.

  “Give it to him.” Viper motioned to Stoner. “If he wants to kill me, now’s his chance.”

  Stoner snorted. “You know I can’t fight you in my condition. It would be suicide.”

  Scorpion tittered next to Viper, then grew silent.

  Karen cautiously pushed the knife into Stoner’s hand, forcing him to take it. She remained by his side, waiting.

  Viper tensed, watching to see what Stoner would do.

  Stoner dropped the knife, letting it clatter to the floor near his feet. He had no desire to die today. He didn’t want Karen to be hurt either.

  He held Viper’s gaze for a long, tense moment. Viper motioned to Scorpion, who bent and retrieved the fallen knife.

  “So…” Viper began. “Neal Stone decided he didn’t want to do business with me after all. He didn’t like the idea of becoming a Cobra. He said he preferred being a one-man operation, doing his own thing. He left about twenty minutes ago.”

  Stoner quirked a brow. “You allowed him to leave?”

  Viper shrugged. “I may have let him leave, but he won’t get far.”

  “Ah.” Stoner nodded. “You sent someone after him. He’ll be dead and gone before morning, right?”

  “It’s a bit of a problem.” Viper scowled. “Because now I need a marijuana grower.” He glanced at Karen.

  Was Viper saying he still needed Stoner?

p; “I may have come here to kill you, Viper, but that was before I realized how lucrative going into business with you would be.” Stoner prayed Viper would believe him, that he wouldn’t kill him today. “I’ve since changed my mind. I don’t care about vengeance anymore. I didn’t know you loved Monica. I thought you were only using her to get to me. I loved her too. She was my only family. I’m willing to forget about the past if you are. Let’s get rich together.”

  Viper squinted at him. “If I let you out of here, how do I know you won’t try to kill me at the first opportunity?”

  “You don’t. But I’d be a fool to try. One of the Cobras would kill me as soon as I killed you, assuming I actually managed to pull it off. But you’re not an easy man to kill. You’ll just have to trust me. Or not. Whatever, I don’t care. Just let Karen and I make the pot. She knows what she’s doing. Let’s do this, man. Come on.”

  Viper locked gazes with Stoner. His gaze searched Stoner’s, delving deep, looking for lies. But Stoner was a good liar. He’d do whatever it took to see this through. He wasn’t done yet. Not by a long shot. He waited, hoping Viper would take the bait. If he managed to stay alive for a few more days, he might be able to find a way to get Karen out of here. He still had every intention of killing Viper at the first opportunity. He knew Viper suspected that. But Viper was a businessman. He had to keep this place up and running. Stoner was counting on the man’s greed to let Stoner live a little longer.

  Viper jerked his head at Karen. “You and her are together now?”

  “Yeah,” Stoner said, meaning it. “She’s mine now.”

  Karen reached over and squeezed his hand. Warmth spread into his chest. Damn, the woman was getting to him. He couldn’t believe she still wanted him, even after all he’d put her through. She was an incredible woman.

  He interlocked his fingers with hers, showing Viper he would not share her with anyone.

  Viper’s gaze flickered down to their hands, then bounced back to Stoner’s. Viper jerked his head in a nod. “I’ll give you one chance to make this right. If you produce the pot like I want, I’ll be willing to forgive you for your betrayal. I expect you to remain a Cobra and follow your oath. But you won’t be allowed to leave the premises on your own until you’ve proven your loyalty. Everywhere you go, everything you do, you will have a guard making sure you’re not trying anything. I’m keeping your phone for now. Got it?”

  Stoner couldn’t believe his luck. An hour ago, even a few minutes ago, he’d been certain today was the day he would die. Now he had hope for a future.

  Now he could finish this.

  * * *

  He’d never been bathed by a woman before.

  Despite the initial pain in his wounds from the hot water soaking into his numerous whip lashings, the bath gradually soothed Stoner’s aches. Karen leaned over the tub and gently washed him. Her hands were tender, her fingers soft as she cleaned away the dried blood and dirt from his wounds. At last she sat back and smiled at him. There was awareness in her dark gaze that made his body respond with an answering lust, but he was smart enough to know he wouldn’t be able to perform in his present condition. He would have to wait until his ribs healed before engaging in all the strenuous sexual activity he planned to have with her. He’d listened intently when she’d told him about all the things she wanted him to do with her. He planned to try every single one of them. And then some others.

  She lowered her gaze, glancing at his groin briefly before looking away. His heartrate sped up.

  “Soon, my beauty,” he murmured, reaching over the side of the tub to take her hand. “Once I’m able, I plan to love you in all those ways you told me about.”

  Her gaze returned to his. “You sure you don’t want me to climb in there with you?”

  She was dead serious. God, if only he could…

  He chuckled. “I wish you could climb in here and make some big waves with me, babe. But I’m too fucked up right now.”

  She lowered her gaze. “If we get out of this place, do you think we have a future?”

  His heart squeezed. God, he hoped so. If she could forgive him for all the lies.

  “I hope so.”

  Her mouth curved upward. Then her brow creased as something weighed heavily on her mind. He waited, watching her face.

  “And you’re sure you’re okay with…my boobless chest?”

  She was still insecure about her mastectomy. He didn’t blame her. It had to be devastating for such a beautiful woman who’d once had it all, to have her breasts cut away, to suddenly lose her self-esteem, to lose a part of herself like that. But he truly didn’t care. He’d thought he’d shown her that the other day when they’d made love in the shower, but apparently she still needed reassurance.

  “I’ve never been much of a boob guy.” He squeezed her hand. “Some guys like big fat titties in their faces, but not me. I don’t care if you have breasts or not. I still think you’re sexy as hell. Couldn’t you tell that the other day in the shower?”

  Color crept into her face. She glanced down at their hands. “I guess, I mean…yeah.”

  Their gazes collided. They exchanged a smile. Something passed between them. Something special. Something Stoner never expected to feel with another person. He wasn’t quite sure what it was. But it made his heart warm with happiness.

  “Good,” he whispered. “Don’t ever forget it.”

  A long silence stretched. Several different emotions flickered across her face. Happiness. Worry. Fear. She uncurled his fingers, gently trailed a finger across his palm. “I know we’ve only known each other a little while, but I want you to know I have strong feelings for you. I’ve never felt about another man the way I feel about you. I think…I might even be falling in love with you.” The last sentence came out as a whisper.

  Her words left him speechless. His throat shriveled up. His chest tightened. She was falling in love with him? No, it wasn’t possible. He was going to hurt her much worse before this was over. He hadn’t even told her his real name. She had no idea who he truly was. He hadn’t forgotten Viper had ordered him to kill her before her family returned from Arizona.

  When he was forced to do what Viper ordered, it would destroy him. Because he had no doubt Viper wouldn’t let him off the hook.

  When the time came, he would have to kill her.

  Or die trying to save her.


  “It’s a boy!”

  Karen held the squalling infant up to Tonya. Delivering a baby wasn’t as difficult as Karen had imagined. Rebel had come to Stoner’s room earlier, saying Tonya was in labor and asking for Karen. Karen had left Stoner in the tub and hurried to assist Viper’s sister. When she’d first entered the room, she’d been nervous, fearful she wouldn’t be able to deliver Tonya’s baby successfully and Viper would kill her for failing.

  Karen recalled her own labor being much more difficult, but was relieved Tonya’s delivery had gone so well.

  “Isn’t he just beautiful?”

  Tonya smiled, her face flushed, her body drenched in sweat. She’d done an amazing job bringing the child into the world. Karen was so proud of her. Two of the compound’s whores, Carrie and Delilah, had assisted Karen with the delivery. They remained now, helping to clean up Tonya, the bed and the room.

  Karen swaddled the baby in a blanket. She laid him on Tonya’s chest. The baby quieted and nuzzled at his mother’s breast. Tonya lifted a hand to gently brush her fingers through the baby’s curly black hair.

  “He looks just like his father.”

  Karen had noticed that. Wow would Viper react when he discovered his nephew was black? She cleared her throat. “Do you have a name picked out for him?”

  Tonya pressed a kiss to the infant’s soft cheek. “Damon.”

  “That’s a beautiful name. It fits him.”

  “Thank you. I’m…a little worried about how Viper’s going to react.”

  So was Karen. “Did you want me to talk to him, try to
hint at what to expect when he sees his nephew?”

  Tonya let out a snort of laughter. “Only you, Karen, would offer to do something like that. My brother hates your guts, but only because you have darker skin. How messed up is that? Yet you don’t care. You’ll gladly face him like David taking on Goliath and to hell with anyone who gets in the way. You’re an awesome person, Karen. Thanks for offering, but I think I can handle my brother.”

  “You’re sure? What if he…?” Karen hesitated. “Hurts little Damon?”

  “He won’t,” Tonya assured her. “He might be a racist pig and a chauvinistic asshole, but he would never hurt a child.”

  Karen held back a snort. She’d seen firsthand how Viper treated his own son. But Tonya had no idea Viper had locked Runt in the dungeon. In Tonya’s eyes, her brother could do no wrong.

  “Okay, then. I’m exhausted. I’m going to bed. Do you need anything else before I go?”

  Tonya squeezed her hand. “No. You go on to bed. Thank you so much, Karen. Carrie and Delilah will help.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll come check on you in the morning.”

  Karen stepped out of the room. Viper was leaning against the wall in the hallway. The big albino biker surged forward, stepping into her path.

  “Is my sister okay? And the baby?”

  “They’re both fine,” Karen assured him. “But your nephew is black like his father, and I’m telling you right now, if you have any intention of hurting him, you’ll have to go through me first.”

  Planting her hands on her hips, she blocked his access to Tonya’s room.