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Stoned (Unlikely Heroes Book 4) Page 27

  Viper’s arm anchored around her, keeping her in place. Stoner’s gaze swung toward her. There was no warmth in his eyes. Only…determination. He glanced back at Nick, who had gone still. But Stoner didn’t let go.

  Nick was dead, but Stoner still didn’t let go.

  “You son-of-a-bitch!” Karen shot her most hate-filled glare at Stoner. “I’ll kill you for this!”

  Stoner glanced at Viper, then back down at Nick. Finally he released his hold on Nick and rose. Nick’s head lolled to the side. His body lay still on the mat. Dead.

  The crowd went wild, screaming and shouting, again turning the room into a deafening roar.

  A sob burst out of Karen’s lungs, then another. Oh Nick. Oh God.

  Viper’s arm loosened around her waist. She pulled away from him, lunging for the ring. Grabbing the rope, she pulled herself up into the octagon. This time Viper didn’t stop her. He cackled from somewhere behind her.

  Stoner had killed Nick. That son-of-a-bitch! He’d lied. He said he wouldn’t kill Nick, but he’d lied.

  Her heart shattered, splintering into thousands of pieces. She’d trusted him. She’d believed him. But he’d lied. He was a murderer.

  Stoner had killed Nick. He’d killed her daughter’s husband. Her granddaughter’s father. He’d killed a good man.

  With a pain-filled snarl, Karen launched herself at him.

  He was going to suffer.

  He was going to pay.

  She was going to kill him.


  The look on Karen’s face, seeing her fall apart with such hurt and despair was almost more than Stoner could bear. Dammit, he’d told her to trust him. But her reaction meant he must have put on a convincing show, which was what he wanted. If Viper sensed Miller wasn’t really dead, he’d be pissed.

  She came at him like a crazed mountain lion, teeth bared, claws scratching. Stoner finally managed to subdue her, but not before she landed a few painful scratches and punches on him.

  He searched the crowd for Rebel. At last he found him hovering at the edge near the back door. Rebel jerked his head in a nod.

  It was done. Good.

  Now he had to pull this off or Viper would kill them all.

  Stoner pulled Karen’s arms in front of her and jerked her back against him.

  “I hate you!” she snarled. “You won’t get away with this!”

  Stoner drew in a deep breath, slowly exhaled. Right now she hated him, but once she discovered it had all been an act, she would forgive him. She had to.

  Viper launched himself into the ring and strode toward them. “It’s your turn to die, Ms. Williams.” He glanced at Stoner, then turned to face the crowd.

  “Now for the grand finale! To prove his loyalty to the Cobras, Stoner will now take the life of Ms. Williams.”

  The crowd grew silent. Several indrawn breaths reached Stoner’s ears.

  Karen fought against him again, her breath coming in quick pants. He felt her terror, and beneath it the anger, the hurt.

  I’m sorry, Karen.

  He would have to make it up to her.

  If they survived.

  “Get on with it, Stoner.” Viper stepped back and waited, watching closely.

  Stoner inhaled slowly. “Forgive me, Karen,” he whispered in her ear. “I never wanted it to come to this. Don’t fight me. Just relax, and it will all be over before you know it.”

  Her breath hitched in his ear. “Fuck you!” Her heart hammered beneath his arm. Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump. Her pulse jumped against his fingers as he held her wrists together.

  “Trust me,” he whispered. “Just relax.” He tightened his hold around her waist and released her hands so he could wrap an arm around her throat.

  She gasped. Choked.

  “Relax. It’ll be easier if you don’t fight it.” His arm tightened around her throat, squeezing off her oxygen.

  She gasped again, squirmed. She dug frantically at his arm, her fingernails scratching his skin, trying to release the pressure, but Stoner didn’t budge. He had to make this convincing. He had to pull this off or Viper would kill them all.

  A sudden uproar exploded from somewhere near the back of the crowd.

  Someone screamed.

  Another voice shouted, “Look out!”

  More screams. Heads bobbed up and down as people bounced around, screaming.

  Viper turned toward the crowd, an angry gleam in his eye. He cast a glare at Stoner, then vaulted off the mat and disappeared into the throng.

  Karen had gone limp in Stoner’s arms. He released his hold on her throat, cradling her body against him. He waited several seconds while her consciousness returned. She gasped in a breath and slowly opened her eyes.

  He spun her around into his arms. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I had to do that for Viper’s benefit. Now I need you to go with Rebel. Hide.”

  She stared up at him in confusion.

  “Stoner!” Rebel shouted. “It worked. I turned all the dogs loose and they’re going crazy, tearing each other apart. Viper ran out to see what was going on. I left the back door open and some of the dogs came into the building.”

  “Good job, Rebel.” Stoner led Karen out of the octagon. She was still dazed, confused. He passed her off to Rebel.

  “Did you manage to call the cops?”

  “About a half hour ago, right after I left you in the dining area. I stole Cougar’s phone. I don’t know what’s taking them so long. They should be here any time.”

  Stoner heaved out a sigh of relief. Viper’s deal had probably already gone down. Viper had disappeared for about five minutes during the fight. Stoner sensed that was when he had done his deal. But Stoner had no way of knowing if the deal had gone down or if the buyers were still on the premises.

  “Get Karen out of here. Hide in your room until it’s safe. I’ll get Miller out.”

  Stoner jogged back to Nick where he lay on the mat. “Nick, wake up! Let’s get out of here.” He slapped Nick’s cheek.

  Nick opened his eyes. His gaze zeroed in on Stoner. “Did it work?”

  “Yes.” Stoner hauled Nick to his feet and helped him down from the ring. “Now we have to get out of here.”

  A gun shot rang out.

  Someone screamed.

  Then the place went crazy, people screaming and fleeing in every which direction.

  He glanced around the chaos and spied Rebel dragging Karen through the mob. He turned back to Nick.

  “Can you fight if you have to?”

  “I think so, I just feel so strange.”

  “It’s the Wax they gave you. Come on.”

  “Viper!” someone shouted off to Stoner’s left. “Cops are storming the gates!”

  Stoner spied Viper heading straight toward him, his face scrunched in fury. Viper shoved people this way and that, tossing them aside as if they were scraps of paper in his path.


  “Run!” he told Nick. “Viper will kill you if he gets a hold of you.”

  Nick stumbled back a step. “I can’t. You need my help.”

  Viper rocked to a halt in front of Stoner. “You son-of-a-bitch! Who the fuck are you?”

  Stoner bared his teeth. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Freeze! Police!”

  Cops swarmed into the building like army ants to a picnic, some through the open back door, others through the door to the fight room. They moved in organized procession, guns drawn, quickly surrounding the remaining people in the room.

  Viper let out a snarl. “You will pay for what you’ve done here, Stoner.” His gaze bounced to Miller, standing behind Stoner. “You will fucking pay.”

  Viper spun around and disappeared into the crowd. Stoner leapt after him, but a gun shot in front of his face, bringing him to an abrupt halt.

  “Freeze!” a black-clad SWAT team cop shouted. “Down on the ground!”

  Stoner had no choice but to comply. Nick followed suit. Stoner grunt
ed in pain as the cop yanked his arms behind his back and handcuffed him. His ribs throbbed.

  But at least it was over.

  It was finally over.

  “No!” a female voice shouted from somewhere behind him. “Don’t shoot her! She has a baby!”


  Dammit! He’d told Rebel to get her out of here. The cops must have intercepted their escape.

  The SWAT team cop hauled Stoner to his feet. Another cop handcuffed Nick and yanked him to his feet. A few of the bikers had escaped, but it appeared the majority of them had surrendered. Stoner glanced around. Viper was nowhere to be seen.

  Then he spied Tonya. Several cops pointed guns at her. She held little Damon in the air, threatening to drop him.

  “Back off or I drop him!” Tonya lifted the baby higher.

  “Put the kid down, lady. We don’t want to hurt you or him.”

  “I’m not surrendering! This is my home! I will not leave!”

  “Tonya.” Karen took a step toward her. “Think of Damon. He needs you. Don’t do this. Please. Give him to me.”

  Tonya let out a bitter laugh. “I’m not a good role model, Karen. I live with criminals. What kind of mother can I be?” She let out a sob. “This is the only life I know. I can’t go on without my brother, without this place. Damon deserves better.”

  “So give him better,” Karen whispered. “Hand him to me. Don’t let him be hurt. You’re not a criminal, Tonya. You won’t go to jail. You haven’t done anything wrong. Don’t make them shoot you.”

  A cop stepped closer, his gun trained on Tonya.

  Tonya tossed the baby into the air and yanked a gun from her waistband.

  Karen lunged forward, diving for the infant.

  Gunshots rang out.

  Karen hit the floor with the child in her arms. Stoner’s heart stopped. He stared, unable to look away, waiting to see if she was okay.

  Get up, Karen. Get up!

  At last she rose, cradling the infant against her.

  He heaved out a sigh of relief. For a moment there, he’d feared she’d been shot.

  He scanned the room, searching for Tonya, then spied her lying behind Karen, a bullet hole in her forehead.


  He and Nick exchanged glances.

  Karen was safe. She’d saved the baby. She was a hero. If she hadn’t interfered, Damon could have been hurt or killed.

  But Tonya wasn’t supposed to die, dammit. Though Stoner didn’t believe Tonya was as innocent as Karen thought, she wouldn’t have done much, if any, time behind bars. She had simply been one of Viper’s victims.

  Now her child didn’t have a mother.

  The weight of that settled heavily upon Stoner’s shoulders. He’d never liked the casualties of war.

  There would be a lot of cleaning up to do.

  A lot of questions that would need answered.

  Numerous reports to fill out.

  But he feared none of that.

  What he feared was trying to explain it all to Karen.

  Because the life he wanted with her, the life they’d talked about having outside of this place, would be impossible if she didn’t forgive him.

  * * *

  An hour later, the place was nearly empty. Most the bikers had been arrested and hauled off. Only a few people remained in the building, most of them cops.

  Karen had already given her statement. She now sat at one of the tables in the dining area with Damon in her arms. Child Protection Services was on the way with someone to take the baby. For now, she was protecting the infant, keeping him close.

  And mourning the loss of Tonya, her only true friend in this place. Her heart ached. Her chest hurt to breathe. Why did it have to end this way? This sweet baby had no mother now.

  So far no one had found Runt. Viper had escaped, along with a couple of the other bikers. Had he taken Runt with him when he’d fled? Or was the child hiding somewhere in the compound? The cops needed to find Runt soon. She didn’t want to contemplate what Viper might do to him if he’d taken him.

  Nick and Stoner were talking to a few cops across the room. Neither was wearing handcuffs anymore. Nick must have explained to them who he was. But how had Stoner convinced them to let him go? Had Nick told them about Stoner helping him?

  Rebel was gone, hauled off with the others. Karen worried about him, hoped they wouldn’t be too hard on him.

  But this place was over. Viper was done. The Cobras were history. Viper may have escaped, but they would catch him eventually. He couldn’t hide forever.

  Karen understood now what Stoner had done in the octagon. He’d pretended to kill Nick and had only knocked her unconscious because Viper had been watching. She already forgave him for that. But she wanted to get him alone so she could talk to him, find out who he really was. Ask him what had gone down here tonight.

  Nick left the group and approached Karen. He sank into the chair across from hers. “You doing all right, Karen?”

  She nodded. “How about you? They drugged you with something, didn’t they?”

  “Yeah, but it’s starting to wear off now. Craig’s plan worked. He’s a genius. He and Rebel both. I can’t believe they managed to pull that off.”

  Pull what off? Was Nick referring to his fake “death” or something else? Nick talked as if he was quite fond of Craig. As if he knew him well.

  Karen’s heart kidded to a halt. “Wait a second. You know his real name? How do you know him? Who is he?”

  Nick eyed her strangely. “Of course I know him. He’s my boss, Karen. I’ve worked for him ever since I joined the FBI.” His eyes widened in sudden comprehension. “Shit. You didn’t know?”

  Karen sucked in a breath. Stoner was Nick’s boss? Nick had mentioned his boss on occasion, but she’d never met the guy before.

  She’d had no clue. None whatsoever that he was the same guy. Not even when he’d told her his name was Craig had she even suspected the truth.

  That would explain why he’d been at her husband’s trial eight years ago. He hadn’t just been a spectator like she’d assumed. Nick had apprehended her late husband, probably at Craig’s instruction.

  Oh. My. God.

  The breath whooshed out of her lungs. She gasped. He’d played her. Used her. Made a complete fool out of her. He’d been so convincing she’d had no clue. That son-of-a-bitch!

  She lunged to her feet.

  “Whoa, Karen, easy.” Nick jumped up. He gently pushed her back into her chair. “Craig was only doing his job. He couldn’t tell you who he was or it would jeopardize the mission.”

  “He lied to me,” she choked out. “He used me.” Her heart pinched. That bastard! Why did his betrayal hurt so much?

  Nick cleared his throat. “Craig’s…tough, I’ll give him that. But I don’t think he would have intentionally hurt you.”

  “He lied to me!” Her voice rose several notches, causing a few people to glance their way. “He made up a story about being a kid named Blade who wanted revenge against Viper. He made up a story that Viper had killed his sister. He probably lied about everything else to!”

  “Calm down. I’m sure if you give him a chance to explain, it will all make sense.”

  Karen felt like such a fool. She’d trusted Craig. Hell, she was in love with him. She’d told him about her mastectomy, about going through chemotherapy all by herself. He was the only one she’d ever told.

  He’d lied to her.

  He’d used her.

  And he’d made amazing, incredible love to her. Undeniably the best sex she’d ever had. He’d made her feel wanted—desirable—for the first time in years.

  But it had all been a lie.

  Her heart twisted.

  Her breath hitched.

  That son-of-a-bitch!

  Yet despite all that, she still wanted him.

  Damn him.

  He wasn’t the bad boy after all.

  Then it dawned on her. She hadn’t been attracted to the “bad boy” thi
s time, but the good man. It was the good in him that had drawn her to him. For the first time in her life, she’d fallen in love with a good guy, not a bad boy.

  And that made her furious. Made her feel even more betrayed. Because he’d fooled her so well. Made her believe he was a badass biker dude. But he wasn’t. He was FBI.

  Damn him!

  She wanted to scream. She wanted to throw something. She wanted to kick Craig’s ass.

  She thrust the baby at Nick.

  “Take him. I’m so mad right now I can’t be holding him.”

  Nick reluctantly took the baby from her. “What are you planning, Karen?”

  “I don’t know. I just need to get out of here.”

  Nick’s face filled with worry. “Let me get someone to drive you home.”

  Karen didn’t wait for him. She marched toward the door. She had to get out of there. She had to get away from Craig. Before she went berserk and attacked him.

  This was too much.

  She was almost to the door when a voice halted her.

  “Karen, please. Can I talk to you?”

  It was him.

  She drew in a ragged breath and spun around. Craig stood several feet away, eyeing her intently with those astute hazel eyes. Her heart twisted. Those beautiful hazel eyes that reminded her of a chameleon, the way they changed colors with his moods.

  She squeezed her eyes shut. A tear forced itself loose, trickling down her cheek.

  “Why?” she whispered. “Why did you lie to me? I trusted you. I believed you. I let you make love to me…” Her breath hitched. She jerked her eyes open. “You made me feel special. You made me feel wanted, but it was all a fucking lie! I don’t even know who the real you is.” She turned away from him and wrapped her arms around herself, drawing in several ragged breaths.

  “Karen.” He touched her shoulder.

  She spun around. “Don’t touch me.”

  He dropped his hand. “The man I was in here…that was me. Obviously I’m not a badass biker dude or a drug dealer. But the man you know, the man I let you see, the smart ass, the crude sense of humor, that was me.”

  “No.” She shook her head back and forth. “I don’t know you. You lied. You’re not a kid named Blade. ”

  “Yes, Karen. That kid was me. That wasn’t a lie.” He raked a hand through his hair in obvious frustration. “And everything I said to you, I meant it. Every fucking word.” His eyes pleaded with her. “What’s between us…”