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Stoned (Unlikely Heroes Book 4) Page 31

  He searched her gaze. “A grown man playing videogames doesn’t bother you?”

  She stepped toward him. “Not in the least. Does it bother you that I’m a total plant freak and spend hours out in the forest every day, collecting samples, studying plants?”

  “Not in the least.” He turned from the room. “Come into the kitchen and I’ll fix you a drink. What do you like?”

  She chuckled as she followed after him. “You haven’t figured that out yet?” She climbed onto a bar stool at the counter while he opened a large, stainless steel fridge.

  He turned back around, holding two Amberbocks. His eyes twinkled. “Dark beer, right?”

  “Perfect. But it’s not quite noon. It’s a little early for drinks, don’t you think?”

  He twisted the top on both the beers. He handed her one. “After what we just went through, I think we both deserve a drink.” He pulled back the stool next to hers and slid onto the seat. He took a swig of the beer, then set the bottle on the countertop.

  “Agreed.” Karen took a sip of her own beer.

  Gently resting his injured arm on the countertop, he turned to face her. “I haven’t been this nervous since I was a teenager.” He stared down at the small space between their stools. He cleared his throat.

  Karen set her own beer on the countertop. She reached over and squeezed his hand. “I’m nervous too. I’ve thought about you a lot over the past weeks.” She watched his face, hoping he’d look at her. Finally, he lifted his gaze to hers. “I understand now why you lied to me. You did it to protect me. You did it to keep your cover from being blown. I’ve already forgiven you. But I want to know everything about you. I want to know who you really are. No secrets between us. Will you tell me about yourself?”

  He turned her hand over, cradling it in his larger one. “You already know most of my story.” He stared down at their hands. “I was that kid Blade I told you about. That wasn’t a lie. After I left the gang life, I finished high school, then went on to college, joined the FBI. I wanted to help take criminals off the streets, so that’s what I’ve been doing for as long as I can remember. Last year we took down a large human trafficker and have spent months trying to track down the middlemen. When we got the lead on Viper’s compound and that he might be one of the middlemen, I decided to be the one to go undercover because I didn’t have a wife or kids like the other guys and it would be a long assignment that could last months. Too long for any of them to be away from their families. I had nothing to lose. If I died, there would be no one to mourn me. It was also an opportunity for me to take down the man who had been responsible for my sister’s death. But I knew I was going to need some help once I got inside. So I recruited Rebel.”

  “Sebastian Wolfe,” Karen murmured. “I was quite fond of that young man. Was he really who he said? What happened to him?”

  “He’s serving his time. And yes, he was an actor and also a vet. He was facing a long prison sentence for multiple drug charges. I was able to work a deal with the prosecutor and the judge for a reduced sentence for him if he agreed to go undercover and help take Viper down. He was reluctant and first, but he finally agreed. He applied for the vet job Viper advertised about and fortunately Viper picked him. He went into the compound a few weeks before I did. I told myself I was trying to help him out, but honestly, all I cared about was taking Viper down.” Craig sighed. “The guilt of what I put Sebastian through has been eating me up inside, the things that went down in that place, what Sebastian was forced to witness, and what he was forced to do…” Craig pulled his hand from hers and leaned back. He raked his hand through his hair, making it more shaggy and disheveled than it was before. “He shouldn’t have had to go through that. I used him, Karen. I used him to take down Viper. And all I gave him in return was more damage than he already had. I wish I could make it up to him somehow.”

  Her heart ached for him. He cared so much about others. “You said you got him a reduced sentence.”

  “Yeah. He only has to serve three out of the fifteen years he was originally sentenced to. But I feel like I should have done more somehow. The scars he got from that place—and I’m talking the emotional ones—will be with him for the rest of his life.”

  Karen slid off her stool. “Sebastian was already damaged before he went into the compound. And you did do a lot for him, reducing his sentence down to three years.” She grabbed his good arm and pulled him toward her, urging him off his stool.

  He landed in front of her, his body brushing up against hers. Her skin tingled. She tilted her head back and met his gaze.

  “I would like to visit him in prison sometime. Will you take me?”

  He hesitated, then wrapped his good arm around her waist and pulled her snugly against him. “Yes. I think he would like that. He was quite fond of you too. And he has no one else.”

  Karen leaned into him, laying her head against his chest. “You should know I put in an application with the state to adopt Damon.”

  “I know.” His voice rumbled near her ear. “The social worker in charge of his case contacted me and asked if I thought you would be a good mother. I told her I thought you would be a great mother to him and that if it was up to me to choose his mother, I would choose you.”

  Her breath caught. She lifted her head, meeting his gaze. “You said that?”

  “Yes. You never got the chance to raise your own daughter. Everyone deserves a second chance, especially you.”

  A tear trickled down her cheek. “Thank you. You don’t know how much that means to me.”

  He patted her back. “You’re welcome.”

  Karen lowered her gaze. “Soon I may be trekking through the woods with Damon in a Baby Bjorn. He’s going to love the forest just like me. Would you date a woman my age who had a new baby?”

  “In a heartbeat.”

  Her chest squeezed. And she knew in that moment he truly was “it” for her. She’d waited all these years to find the right man and now he was standing in front of her.

  “What happened to Runt? I worry about him a lot.”

  Craig smiled. “I’m glad you asked. He’s with a nice foster family, one who has experience with special needs kids. They have a dog, which I’m sure helped with the transition. I’ve visited him a couple of times. He seems to be doing well. I asked the social worker to make sure he was given a proper name. They made it all legal with the court. His name is now Jonathan Walker.”

  “Walker?” Karen quirked a brow. “Was that Viper’s last name?”

  “Yes. Keith Walker was Viper’s real name.”

  The doorbell rang.

  Craig glanced at his watch before stepping away from her.

  “That must be the kennel, bringing Scar back. I told them I’d be home today. They’ve been working with him, trying to rehabilitate him.”

  “You kept Scar?” Shock rocked through her. “Why? You don’t seem like the dog type.”

  Craig cleared his throat. “I’m not. But for Sebastian, I decided to be a dog type. I told him I’d take care of the dog until he got out. I owe that kid.”

  Karen’s heart melted a little more in that moment. The more she knew about Craig, the more she loved him.

  Loved? Yes. Loved. She was madly, crazily in love with him. It was time to tell him that.

  Craig went to the door and opened it. A young woman in her early twenties stood there with Scar. She talked happily about how well Scar was coming along in his rehabilitation and how grateful she was for people like Craig who were willing to give dogs like Scar a second chance. He thanked the young woman and closed the door.

  “Hi Scar!” Karen knelt on the hardwood entryway. Scar’s tail wagged. Karen rubbed his ears. His tail thumped on the floor. The dog rolled over on his back. Karen chuckled. She rubbed his belly while Scar sighed in contentment.

  She smiled up at Craig.

  “You’re an incredible man. I hope you realize that. What you did for this dog was amazing. I would really like to know more
about you.” She pulled the note from her pocket, the one he’d written her in the compound. Unfolding it, she held it up.

  “I saved your note. I carry it with me everywhere. I even had it laminated so it wouldn’t get ruined. It means so much to me. You mean so much to me. I would love to be a part of your life, if you’ll let me.”

  He sank onto the floor next to her and rubbed Scar behind the ears. He lifted his gaze to hers. “That’s the thing I’m scared about,” he said softly, his gaze earnest as he stared into her eyes. “I’m kind of an ugly bastard, I swear a lot, I play videogames. I’m not a flowers or poems kind of guy and I sure as hell can’t woo you with a fancy song. Why would you want to be with me? But God, it would make me happy if you said you didn’t care about all that. If you said you wanted me anyway.” He lowered his gaze as color crept up his neck and into his face.

  Karen scooted across the hardwood floor until she was sitting directly in front of him. “I want you anyway.”

  His gaze darted up to hers.

  She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.

  “As long as you want me, I’m yours.” She leaned back and looked into his beautiful hazel eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay with…my boobless chest?”

  Realizing no one was petting him anymore, Scar rolled to his feet and trotted into the living room where he settled on the carpet in front of the couch. The dog let out a soft sigh. He laid his head on his paws and closed his eyes.

  “You know I don’t care about that.” Craig cupped her chin. He tilted her head back, forcing her to meet his gaze. “But I know it bothers you. So, I did some research and if you’re interested—only if you’re interested—I’d be more than happy to pay for you to have reconstructive surgery. There are plastic surgeons who specialize in breast reconstruction for cancer survivors. There’s also a talented tattoo artist who creates realistic areolas on the new breasts.” His cheeks reddened. “I thought maybe, if you’d like, I would…” He trailed off, stared down at the floor.

  Her heart squeezed. Her throat thickened with emotion. She loved him. God, how she loved him. He was one of a kind.

  “I can’t ask you to do that.”

  He swallowed hard. “You didn’t ask me. I’m offering.”

  A tear trickled down her cheek. “Thank you.” She cupped his face in her hands and pressed her lips to his. “You don’t know how much that means to me. I love you, Craig. So much. I just hope you’ll want me for a very long time.”

  He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “You can’t possibly love me as much as I love you. How does forever sound?”

  Her heart filled with happiness. He loved her too!

  He wrapped his good arm around her waist and dragged her into his lap.

  “Careful with your arm,” she whispered, though she wasn’t protesting. Not in the least.

  His lips curved into a seductive smile. “Like I said earlier, you’d be amazed at what I can do with one hand.”

  Karen chuckled. “I’d like to see just how talented you are with that one hand.”

  He gave his first demonstration by cupping the back of her head and kissing her. Long and deep, slow and passionate. He dragged the kiss out until they were both breathless and panting for more.

  “I seem to recall you mentioning all sorts of places you wanted me to make love to you.”

  She giggled. “Are you offering to get started on that now? I believe the floor was one of the places I mentioned.”

  He snorted out a laugh. “I am not making love to you on the floor. At least not today.”

  “Then how about the couch?” she suggested. “Or the kitchen counter?”

  He let out soft growl and nuzzled her neck. “You lead the way, Karen. And I’ll follow. No matter where you go.”

  So she did just that.


  Thanks for reading Craig and Karen’s story. If you enjoyed it, please take a moment to leave me a review. Reviews are what help readers discover new authors and I appreciate each and every one. I also encourage you to share this book with your friends.

  About Leslie Georgeson

  Leslie Georgeson began writing at the age of fourteen and has been weaving tales ever since. She’s an avid reader and craves edgy, unique stories about strong characters overcoming difficult struggles. She likes to make her own characters suffer through life-altering hardships, but she believes happy endings are what make all the struggles worthwhile.

  Leslie lives with her husband, daughter, two horses and a cat on a quiet county acreage in Idaho. Visit her webpage at to learn more.

  Other Titles by Leslie Georgeson


  No Son of Mine

  Stolen – Book 1 in the Unlikely Heroes romantic suspense series

  Abducted – Book 2 in the Unlikely Heroes romantic suspense series

  Deceived – Book 3 in the Unlikely Heroes romantic suspense series

  Stoned – Book 4 in the Unlikely Heroes romantic suspense series


  Scarred – Book 5 in the Unlikely Heroes romantic suspense series

  Connect with Leslie Georgeson


